7 Dog Summer Safety Tips

Puppy in summer pool tube

Getty Images/Eva Blanco

Summer is a great time of year for you and your dog to enjoy and explore the great outdoors. Longer days mean more time for picnic and barbecues,beachor lake trips, hiking,camping, and trips to thedog park.

Don’t forget to keep safety in mind while you and your pup soak up the sun this summer. Follow these tips to ensure your dog stays cool, hydrated, and protected from overheating, burned paw pads, sunburn, and other summer hazards.

  • 01 of 07

    Keep Cool

    Doodle in dog pool

    Getty Images/nycshooter

    Never underestimate the summer heat. Days that feel tolerably warm to humans can be too hot for dogs, especially those sporting heavy fur coats. Never leave a dog in a parked car. Even when temperatures feel cooler to us, the temperature inside a car can quickly soar to deadly levels.

    Outside, provide shade for your dog and plenty of cool, fresh water. Kiddie pools or狗的游泳池are a great way for dogs to cool off in the backyard—just make sure the water is filled very shallow for small dogs and young puppies and that no dog is ever left unsupervised around a pool. The water should be refilled with fresh water for each swim as stale standing water can make them sick if they drink it. If it’s too hot outside, keep your dog indoors with the air conditioning running, use fans to circulate the air and cool down the house, and always make sure they have plenty of fresh drinking water.

  • 02 of 07

    Stay Hydrated

    Pit bull dog drinking water from bowl

    盖蒂图片社/ sanjagrujic

    Indoors and out, provide your dog plenty of fresh water. Encourage them to drink enough by flavoring the water with a little no-salt-added chicken broth (made withoutonionsandgarlic) or tossing a few ice cubes in the bowl to chill the water.

  • 03 of 07

    Exercise at Dawn and Dusk

    Walking Labrador retriever at sunrise

    Getty Images/Chalabala

    How hot istoo hot for dogs? Don’t exercise your dog in the heat of the day when temperatures rise. Walking and especially running in hot temperatures increases a dog’s chance of heatstroke orheat exhaustion, and the hot pavement can burn their sensitive paw pads. Schedule walks and other exercise at dawn or dusk when temperatures are cooler, and stick to indoor activities or water play during the hottest part of the day.

  • 04 of 07

    Watch for Signs of Heatstroke

    Bulldog lying in grass with tongue out

    盖蒂图片社/ marcoventuriniautieri

    Heatstroke occurs when a dog’s body temperature rises to dangerous levels and the dog is unable to cool down by themselves. Educate yourself about thesigns of heatstroke in dogsso you can act quickly to help your dog. Heatstroke is an extreme medical emergency. Signs of heatstroke include:

    • Vigorous panting
    • Dark red gums or tongue
    • Thick drool
    • Tongue hanging far out of the mouth
    • Lying down
    • Weakness or dizziness
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
    • Tremors or seizures
    • Collapse or loss of consciousness

    If you suspect your dog is experiencing heatstroke, move them to a cool place with a fan or air conditioning them and offer cool water. You can wet their body by pouring cool water over them, but don’t submerge their body in water. Aim a fan at them once they are wet to speed up the cooling process, and get to a veterinarian immediately.

    Continue to 5 of 7 below.
  • 05 of 07

    Provide Sun Protection

    Bull Terrier in sun outside

    Getty Images/Anita Kot

    You might be surprised to learn thatdogs can get sunburned, even with all that fur. The most vulnerable areas are the nose, ears and face, where hair is usually sparse. Dogs with white coats and very thin coats are also more susceptible to sunburn. To protect your dog’s delicate skin, apply adog-safe sunscreenbefore prolonged sun exposure, and reapply as directed on the product package.

  • 06 of 07

    Consider Water Safety

    Golden retriever at beach with ball

    Getty Images/Teresa Kopec

    Most dogs can swim, but some breeds don’t swim as well as others.Brachycephalicbreeds likebulldogs,French bulldogs, andpugscan struggle in the water. If you’re dog’s swimming skills aren’t excellent, consider using adog life jacketso they can swim safely.

    When playing at the beach, keep a close eye on your dog to make sure they can handle the waves well, and watch your dog for signs of exhaustion. Some dogs have so much fun playing that they don’t want to stop for a break, and exhaustion can be a dangerous combination with strong waves or undertow.

    Don’t let your dog drink too much ocean water, as this can make them sick. Salt toxicity can occur when dog drink too much salt water. Bring fresh water for your dog to drink and take them home if they can’t seem to stop drinking the sea water.

    In a backyard pool, teach your dog how to enter the pool safely, and make sure your dog knows how to find their way to the stairs to exit. Don’t let your dog drink too much chlorinated pool water, which can upset their stomach. Never leave your dog unsupervised with access to a pool; make sure you have a locked gate that separates your dog from the pool area when you are not watching.

  • 07 of 07

    Protect Paws

    Bernese mountain dog wearing protective booties

    Getty Images/K R E M

    A dog’s paw pads are tough, but dogs can burn their pads if they walk on hot pavement, cement, or sand. On very hot days, it’s best to walk your dog at dawn and dusk, before the temperatures soar. Before letting your dog walk on hot ground, test it first with your hand or your own foot. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. If your dog must walk on hot ground, protect their paws withdog bootsand try to find shady areas for walks.